Listen up ladies! We’ve all seen countless articles on men’s health and the benefits that testosterone provides for their health and wellness, but what about us? Testosterone for women has felt taboo for decades and social norms have created this myth that strikes fear in the hearts of women, “Testosterone is for men. If a woman takes testosterone she’s going to turn into a man!”

Well I’m here to squash that myth, because the truth is: you won’t turn into a man, you won’t grow a beard, and you won’t get bulky manly muscles.


Women need testosterone too!

First things first, let's debunk the myth that testosterone is just a “men’s hormone”. Women naturally produce testosterone too, albeit in smaller amounts, but still just as essential for optimal health and wellbeing as it is for men. So what happens to women when those levels start to dip? Some pretty frustrating symptoms that often get chalked up to “just getting older” when really, these killjoy symptoms are direct side effects of declining testosterone levels.

Symptoms of low testosterone levels in women include:

  1. Low libido/decreased sex drive
  2. Weight gain
  3. Rapid mood changes, depression, anxiety, irritability
  4. Decreased bone density/Osteoporosis
  5. Brain fog, poor memory
  6. Decreased lean muscle tone, increase in body fat
  7. Thinning hair, dry skin
  8. Cardiovascular issues
  9. Vaginal dryness/sexual dysfunction, painful intercourse, reduced sensitivity
  10. Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD)

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder in Women

Testosterone plays a very important role in libido for women so one of the hallmark signs of low testosterone for us ladies is: you guessed it… little to no sexual desire!

It’s so common, it was given its own special name to provide women with a diagnosis and answer to why they're just not interested. Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder, HSDD for short, is one of the most prevalent sexual health problems experienced by women, occuring in an estimated one-third of the female population in the U.S.

This type of sexual dysfunction is defined as a persistent and recurrent loss of sexual desire, thoughts, and stimulation, that causes significant mental anguish. The significant personal distress, and length of time a woman feels this way, are major components of this diagnosis. This lack of sexual desire causes any combination of emotional distress such as: heightened stress, anger or frustration, sadness or grief, decreased self confidence and worth, depression, anxiety, and fatigue.

Low libido or sexual desire in general, is the #1 reason why women seek out hormone replacement therapy (HRT), specifically therapies focused on testosterone for women.

Enter Testosterone for Women!

testosterone for women

What is Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Testosterone Replacement Therapy, known as TRT, is a form of HRT in which the hormone testosterone is supplemented to increase hormone levels in the body, where it is utilized by many different body systems to perform their intended functions correctly. Restoring the body’s testosterone levels to its desired amount can treat the side effects caused by low testosterone, and it provides so many health benefits to women! 

Benefits to Women: The Fun Facts 

This hormone plays a role in many different functions in the female body. It plays either a direct or indirect role in regulating mood, libido and sexual health, bone health, and many others. Testosterone for women can be a game changer when it comes to boosting health and wellness.

Some of the major benefits of this Superwoman Serum include:

  1. Increases libido, sexual desire, and sexual satisfaction - as a sex hormone, testosterone can improve a woman’s sexual desire and drive as well as increase the pleasure and enjoyment of a sexual encounter
  2. Improves energy levels and metabolism - reduces chronic fatigue, boosts motivation, supports active lifestyle, fights a slowing metabolism
  3. Boosts mood and self confidence - testosterone’s anti aging effects on body cells promotes positive mood and youthfulness. Its physical and mental benefits can have a woman looking and feeling sexy and confident, and absolutely loving herself!
  4. Improves cognitive function, focus, and memory - testosterone has a positive influence on brain cells, improving their health and communication. This improves cognitive function, reduces brain fog, and improves mental clarity. So ladies, be prepared to say hello to your inner Einstein (but sexier)!
  5. Maintaining healthy bone density - this is very important since women are more susceptible to being diagnosed with osteoporosis as they age
  6. Increases lean muscle mass, aids in the burning of fat cells, and supports strong and healthy muscles so you can be a lean, mean, independent machine! You won’t need any help carrying in all those shopping bags from your New Wardrobe Shopping Spree.
  7. Vaginal health and function - healthy testosterone levels support the structure and function of vaginal tissues, decreasing vaginal dryness and atrophy to put an end to suffering pain during intimate adventures.
  8. Can improve fertility in pre-menopausal women - this hormone has a positive influence on Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH), which is crucial for women’s fertility
  9. Fights Anemia - testosterone increases the production of Hemoglobin, which is the protein in a red blood cell responsible for carrying Oxygen to cells throughout the body. Women who suffer from some types of anemia or have anemia-like symptoms may experience huge improvements in their symptoms when receiving TRT due to the increase of hemoglobin produced

Debunking the Man Myths

Let's clear the air on the “Big 3”:

  1. Testosterone is only for men. - Nope, as we’ve discussed, women benefit too!
  2. It'll turn you into a man. - Not quite! Testosterone replacement therapy is about balance, not transformation. It’s to restore your testosterone to optimal levels for “Women’s Health”, not flood your body to influence “Men’s Health”.
  3. It'll make your muscles bulky and manly. - Negative! While it can help with strength, it's also about vitality and wellbeing, looking as fit as you feel and having curves in all the right places.
  4. Am I going to start acting like a man if I start TRT? - NO. You will not start acting like a man or start growing any manly physical characteristics. 

Testosterone for women is safe and effective under the care of a medical professional that’s highly trained and experienced in the field of testosterone replacement therapy specifically for women. The prescribed dose of testosterone for women is much lower than what is prescribed for a man. 

The approach to TRT for women here at Recharge Clinic is to start small and increase dose slowly over time, if needed. This greatly reduces any risk of experiencing any masculine symptoms. 

Our Providers also closely monitor all patients on TRT to ensure safety and efficacy. Our female patients come in to review their hormone levels every few months to ensure their dose is correct or make any necessary changes. Our goal is to help all of our patients feel empowered, confident, and healthy so if you have any concerns about your hormone levels or feel like testosterone might be right for you, schedule your free hormone screening here or fill out the form located on this page to speak to one of our hormone experts today!

Created by: Bailey B.⏐May 1, 2024

Everyone has heard the term Antioxidants, probably very frequently in the past 4 years. But do you know why? Antioxidants play a major role in keeping our bodies healthy, happy, and young by fighting stress and damage at the most singular level, within the molecular structures of all body cells. Once you understand what these microscopic super heroes do for us, you’ll understand what all the hype has been about!

What are Antioxidants?

Antioxidant is a broad term used to define a substance that helps protect cells from Oxidative Stress caused by an overload of Free Radicals in the body. Free radicals are not molecularly stable and need an electron to balance themselves. They will steal these electrons from essential molecules within a cell, like DNA, Lipids, and Proteins which damages the cell’s ability to perform its intended functions. Now imagine that on a massive scale, anywhere from 28 - 36 trillion according to recent studies on cell counts in the human body. 


When Free Radicals begin to outnumber healthy cells, the rate of damage and death puts extreme stress on the affected body system, putting the body into a state of Oxidative Stress. The damage caused by Oxidative Stress causes a chain reaction that often causes genetic mutations and/or cell death, which ultimately leads to increased rate of physical and mental aging, chronic illnesses/diseases, cognitive decline, and negative effects to overall health.

This is where Antioxidants take the spotlight. These “sacrificial lambs” target Free Radicals everywhere in the body and give up one of their own electrons to balance the destructive molecule, stabilizing it, and protecting those vulnerable and essential molecules from damage. The human body does produce its own Antioxidants in an attempt to balance the amount of Free Radicals that inevitably occur as a by-product of the body’s normal metabolic processes, but unfortunately it’s not enough. In addition to these metabolic processes, Free Radical production increases when the body is exposed to environmental stressors.

Environmental Stressors Increase Oxidative Stress

We live in a world where environmental stressors like air pollutants are unavoidable, and unfortunately our bodies respond to them by producing more Free Radicals. Although our bodies have good intentions, this increased production quickly leads to Oxidative Stress and cellular damage if there isn’t an increase in Antioxidants to balance them. 

Environmental Stressors that increase Oxidative Stress and damage include:

  1. Air pollutants - smog, ozone, industrial emissions, vehicle exhaust
  2. Smoke inhalation - tobacco, cigarettes, cigars, e-cigs and vapes, campfires, 2nd hand smoke
  3. Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation - unprotected sun exposure, tanning beds, UV lamps, welding arc
  4. Ionizing radiation - x-rays, radioactive materials, radiation therapies
  5. Pesticides, herbicides, and industrial chemicals
  6. Heavy metals - lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium
  7. Medications - certain antibiotics, chemotherapeutic agents, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  8. Alcohol
  9. Certain foods - refined sugars and carbohydrates, high glycemic foods, processed meats and packaged lunch meats, reused cooking oils and heating cooking past their specific smoke points

Unfortunately many of these stressors are unavoidable. So instead of trying to prevent the production of Free Radicals (that would be a losing battle), the best course of action is to ensure adequate amounts of Antioxidants are present in your body to neutralize the destructive molecules before they have the opportunity to wreak havoc on your body.

18 Antioxidant Vitamins and Minerals to fight Oxidative Stress

Here is the ultimate cheat sheet for increasing your body’s Antioxidant levels to combat aging and the other damaging effects of Free Radicals. You can supplement these through certain foods, but that takes a lot of research and dietary planning. The easiest ways to get these vitamins and minerals are through oral tablets/capsules, intramuscular injections, and intravenous infusions. 

  1. Glutathione
  2. Vitamin C
  3. Vitamin E
  4. CoQ10
  5. Zinc
  6. Selenium
  7. Vitamin A
  8. Carnitine
  9. Alpha Lipoic Acid
  1. Lysine
  2. Methionine
  3. Taurine
  4. Vitamin D
  5. Vitamin B2 - Riboflavin
  6. Vitamin B3 - Niacin
  7. NAD+
  8. Magnesium
  9. Arginine

Benefits of Antioxidants

  1. Slows the effects of aging
  2. Supports eye health and vision, aids in preventing macular degeneration symptoms as well as age-related vision loss/blindness
  3. Reduces the appearance of aging skin, decreases fine lines and wrinkles, dryness, rough texture, dark spots, thickened “leathery” skin, laxity, thinning of skin
  4. Promotes cardiovascular health, aids in protecting against heart disease, stroke, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure
  5. Can reduce risk of some cancers by fighting the mutation of various body cells into malignant cells while also destroying existing cancer cells
  6. Helps slow cognitive decline and reduces the risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases that are known to be directly related to Oxidative stress, like Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and Parkinson’s
  7. Fights the development of Diabetes by supporting healthy insulin levels and reduces blood sugar levels, can reduce risk of Type 2 Diabetes in adults

Many of the different supplements, vitamin injections, and IVs that we offer here at Recharge Clinic contain the antioxidant vitamins listed above. If you’re interested in learning more about options to optimize your antioxidant levels and support your body in its fight against Free Radicals and Oxidative Stress, fill out the form on the right side of this article or schedule your free consultation here.

Author: Bailey B. ⏐ Apr. 4, 2024

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What is Thyroid Replacement Therapy?

Thyroid replacement therapy stands as a beacon of hope for millions of individuals grappling with thyroid disorders such as Hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s. This form of hormone replacement therapy is used to treat abnormalities or imbalances in an estimated 20 million US citizens that struggle with their accompanying symptoms every day.

The thyroid, a small butterfly-shaped gland in the neck, plays a crucial role in many different body processes.

Thyroid Replacement Therapy

When the thyroid gland fails to produce sufficient hormones or becomes overactive, it can wreak havoc on one's health and quality of life. In such cases, thyroid replacement therapy emerges as a lifesaver, offering a multitude of benefits that restore equilibrium and vitality. 

Restoring Hormonal Balance

Thyroid replacement therapy, often prescribed in synthetic forms of T4 and T3 hormones, aims to replenish deficient thyroid hormones in the body. By mimicking the function of natural thyroid hormones, this therapy restores hormonal balance, which is crucial for optimal bodily functions. 

Boosting Metabolism and Energy Levels

An under active thyroid, commonly referred to as Hypothyroidism, can slow down metabolism, leading to weight gain, fatigue, and lethargy. Thyroid Replacement Therapy increases metabolism by providing the body with the thyroid hormones it needs to function optimally. 

Enhancing Mental Clarity and Mood

Thyroid hormones play a big role in influencing brain function and mood regulation. 

By restoring thyroid hormone levels to optimal, individuals often report improved mental clarity, sharper focus, and a brighter outlook on life. As the fog lifts, they regain a sense of mental sharpness and emotional equilibrium, enabling them to tackle challenges with renewed vigor.

Supporting Heart Health

Thyroid hormones play a crucial role in maintaining cardiovascular health. Hypothyroidism, characterized by low thyroid hormone levels, can lead to elevated cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and an increased risk of heart disease. Thyroid replacement therapy helps mitigate these risks by optimizing thyroid hormone levels, thereby supporting a healthy heart and reducing the likelihood of cardiovascular complications.

Promoting Long-Term Health and Wellness

Consistent adherence to thyroid replacement therapy offers long-term benefits that extend beyond symptom relief. By maintaining optimal thyroid hormone levels, individuals can enjoy significant improvements in:

Regular monitoring and adjustment of medication dosage, guided by our medical practitioners that specialize in Hormone Replacement Therapy, ensures that treatment remains beneficial, effective, and tailored specifically to each individual patient's needs over time.

Thyroid replacement therapy serves as a life changing treatment for individuals grappling with thyroid imbalances, offering a multitude of transformative benefits that enhance physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By restoring hormonal balance, boosting metabolism, and supporting heart health, this therapy empowers individuals to reclaim their vitality and live life to the fullest. With proper medical supervision and adherence to treatment, the journey towards wellness becomes a reality for those navigating the challenges of thyroid dysfunction.

How do I find out if I need Thyroid Replacement Therapy?

The best way to figure out whether or not you would benefit from Thyroid Replacement Therapy is to start by performing a basic self assessment. Do you experience one or more of the following symptoms?

  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Fatigue
  • Unable to lose weight
  • Hair loss
  • Mood swings
  • Loss of sleep
  • ED
  • Low or no sexual desire
  • Unexplained acne
  • Brittle nails
  • Depressive mood
  • Mental confusion
  • Tension
  • Migraines/Severe headaches
  • Cold all the time
  • Dry, scaly skin
  • Muscle weakness

If you answered yes to one or more of these, you may be struggling with a hormone imbalance. For more information or to seek assistance in getting started with hormone therapy, fill out and submit the form to the right or schedule your free consultation here. Our experienced professionals specializing in all forms of hormone replacement therapies are here to help you navigate the life-changing benefits of Thyroid Replacement Therapy!

Created by: Bailey B.

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PRP is a type of regenerative medicine that utilizes platelet-rich plasma to promote soft tissue regeneration while reducing pain and inflammation caused by acute or chronic injuries.

What is PRP?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is the liquid portion of autologous blood remaining after the red blood cells (RBC) have been separated out in a centrifuge. This plasma contains platelets and growth factors that play essential roles in many body processes, including wound healing and soft tissue regeneration.

When PRP is injected into an injury site, such as joints, tendons, and ligaments, it enhances the healing process by delivering high concentrates of these platelets and growth factors that regenerate tissue cells that restore the tissue structure to its healthy state faster and stronger.

How effective are PRP injections?

It is extremely effective in treating joint, tendon, and ligament damage. These tissues are made up of very dense bundles of strong, thick fibers. Since they are designed to uphold structure they lack a good blood supply because capillaries weaved through the fibers would compromise the integrity of the fiber bundles and the tissues would not be strong enough to perform their intended duty. This results in a much slower healing process, and in some cases, prevents healing from ever occurring completely. This slow process also compromises the strength of the healing fibers, due to the amount of scarred tissue that builds up, making these fibers prone to re-injury.

prp healing

By injecting platelet-rich plasma into these injury sites, platelets and various growth factors are able to begin repairing the damaged fibers at an immensely faster rate. This increases the potential for a full recovery in less time and decreases the potential for re-injury. Using PRP to treat damaged tissues is also easier on the surrounding muscles and joints since it greatly decreases the downtime required to achieve healing. Less downtime means that there is less muscle atrophy and stiff joints caused by lack of use. There are virtually zero negative side effects since the plasma is natural and bio identical. It is also beneficial in treating Plantar Fasciitis, Carpal Tunnel, and other arthritic joints.

Common Injuries/Conditions Treated with PRP

These injections can be used to reduce pain and inflammation while promoting better healing almost anywhere in the body since it is naturally occurring and safe for soft tissue regeneration.

Some common injuries or conditions that PRP is used to treat include:

Benefits of PRP 

PRP is safe and effective for regenerating soft tissue structures for many reasons.

  1. Low risk of treatment rejection or complications since it is autologous to the patient. Pain management treatments like corticosteroid injections carry various risks and only work to reduce pain for limited periods of time until another injection is required. Over time, receiving recurring injections of corticosteroids can lead to further damage and tissue degradation. PRP on the other hand reduces the pain while promoting permanent healing of the injected tissue. So although multiple treatments may be required to achieve complete healing, it does not cause any further damage like corticosteroids and once the tissue is healed, no more injections will be required.
  2. Promotes faster and better quality healing by flooding the damaged tissues with healing platelets, resulting in significantly faster healing and stronger healed structures. These injections supply the damaged tissue with a surplus of growth factors and platelets to utilize in regenerating tissues that are stronger and healthier than what would’ve been produced without them.
  3. It is an effective treatment for sports-related injuries like tendons, ligaments, joints, and muscles. These types of injuries can be life-altering for athletes and the utilization of PRP in healing these types of injuries has given these athletes the ability to regain full range of motion and strength, allowing them to return to their sport without limitations.

Platelet-rich Plasma has become one of the most innovative and diverse regenerative medicine treatments currently available for medical applications. It is natural, safe, and effective, as well as completely noninvasive, making it a much easier option compared to surgical procedures. Fill out the form to the right for more information regarding the healing benefits of PRP or click here to set up your free consultation to discuss your potential PRP procedure today! 

Created by: Bailey B.

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Botox and Dysport may be the missing ingredient in your anti-aging routine!

The Collagen fibers in our skin that are responsible for its elasticity and smooth appearance break down over time, and as we age our bodies are less capable of producing more to replace them. As the amount of healthy Collagen declines, the appearance of lines and wrinkles increases. Facial expressions like smiling or squinting causes the skin to wrinkle and the reduced elasticity makes it more difficult for the skin to smooth back out completely, eventually leading to lines that are very visible even at rest.

Think of it like this: Let’s say your skin is a piece of paper and your Collagen fibers are a plastic straw. Put the straw under the paper then try to fold it in half. When you release the straw it bounces the paper back into its flat, smooth position. Now remove the straw and do it again. When the paper is laid out flat again you can still clearly see the line where the paper was folded, that’s the wrinkle in your forehead from raising your eyebrows. 

Every time you raise your eyebrows that wrinkle gets deeper and more obvious because your body can’t produce enough Collagen fast enough to fill in the line before the next time you get surprised and raise your brows again. So how do we break this cycle? Neurotoxins like Botox and Dysport.

What are Botox and Dysport?

Botox and Dysport are a type of injectable drug called neurotoxins, or Neuromodulators, that are made from Botulinum Toxin A, which works to temporarily paralyze targeted muscles by blocking the communication between neurons in the muscle that normally stimulate contraction. These solutions can also block signals in overactive muscles and nerves that cause pain for individuals with certain medical conditions.

The effects are temporary, in most cases lasting about 3 months, and are injected into very specific muscle fibers that are causing the problem while allowing other fibers in the same area to maintain their normal functions. 

How do Neurotoxins treat signs of aging? 

By injecting the toxin into specific muscles in the face and paralyzing them, the amount of movement by the skin is reduced. By reducing the repetitive movement in a specific area, the skin is given time to rebuild Collagen without having to work against continuous creasing of the skin and over time the area will smooth itself back out as much as it can. Starting preventative treatments in your mid 20s before the lines become deep and difficult to repair is a great way to avoid the need for invasive and expensive treatments later on in life!

A common fear patients have is that they’ll look “frozen” and it’ll be obvious that they are getting these injections, but that is not the case at all. One of the great things about using these neurotoxins is that the dosage can be adjusted to allow or prevent the range of movement by the muscle.

Before receiving Botox, Dysport, or another neurotoxin the provider administering the treatment will meet with you to discuss how much movement you’d still like to have and the areas you’d like treated. Using their expertise, they will determine how much to use and where to inject to achieve your desired results.

16 Uses for Neurotoxins: Where They Can Be Injected and Why

  1. Forehead - treats fine lines and wrinkles, smoothes skin surface
  2. Glabellar lines - the 2 vertical lines that occur between your eyebrows when you frown, often called the Double 11s
  3. Crows feet - Fine lines around the eyes from smiling and/or squinting
  4. Brow lift - to raise the arch of the brow, giving a lifting effect to the face
  5. Bunny lines - nose wrinkles that occur when scrunching the face and when some individuals smile
  6. Lip flip - subtle enhancement of the upper lip, creating the illusion of a larger lip. Also reduces visibility of gums in individuals with a “gummy smile”
  7. Smoker’s lines/Vertical lip lines - fine lines around mouth from pursing lips
  8. Downturned smile - outer corners are lifted upward
  9. Platysmal bands/Vertical neck lines - vertical neck bands that may be undesirable
  10. Hyperhidrosis - excessive sweating, often used on armpits, hands, and feet
  11. Reducing acne and oil production - when administered close to the skin surface the neurotoxin reduces the production of Sebum by Sebaceous glands which reduces clogged pores and inflammation
  12. Soften jawline - reduce the size of the jawline for a narrower face shape
  13. TMJ treatment - reduces lock jaw and pain/headaches from clenching jaw
  14. Migraine relief - used to relax muscles causing tension on the head and reduce pain signals 
  15. Chronic muscle spasms - provides relief from uncontrollable muscle spasms and cramping
  16. Scrotox - for men; this painless cosmetic treatment for reduces testicular sweating and relaxes wrinkles, promoting a smoother and larger appearance of the scrotum 

And much more…

How much will I need?

All neurotoxins are dosed in units but the number of units required will vary based on different factors that you’ll discuss with your injector prior to the treatment.

botox and dysport neurotoxins

Schedule your free consultation here or fill out and submit the form to the right to learn more about how these neurotoxins can help you turn back time and reduce signs of aging!

Created by: Bailey B.

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Semaglutide is an injectable peptide approved by the FDA in 2014 to use as treatment for type 2 Diabetes and weight management in obese patients. Over the years it has been discovered that Semaglutide has excellent weight loss benefits when combined with a diet and exercise program. This GLP-1 receptor agonist has quickly become one of the most sought after options for weight loss due to the incredible results patients have seen, some even reporting that Semaglutide helped them lose up to 18% of their starting body weight!

What is Semaglutide?

Semaglutide is a glucagon-like peptide (GLP-1) receptor agonist, that stimulates the production of insulin in the pancreas, which is secreted into the bloodstream to reduce blood sugar levels. Insulin activates cell membranes to absorb the sugar that is being transported throughout the body in blood vessels. The cells then metabolize the sugar into usable energy required for the body to function optimally. By reducing the amount of excess sugar in the blood, blood pressure is reduced, energy levels can increase, and metabolism speeds up to improve weight loss and reduce the number of fat cells in the body.

How does Semaglutide affect weight loss?

Semaglutide’s influence on insulin is great for overall health but its weight loss specific interactions are even more incredible! This peptide also affects a patient’s food intake and appetite levels in a way that can boost a person’s weight loss results substantially. It slows the rate of digestion of food, which increases the length of time between meals that a person feels full, which can reduce the desire to snack and eat excess amounts of food every day. 

It also works in the brain to help block the hormone that stimulates hunger! Its appetite suppressing effects are achieved without causing stimulant-like side effects like other appetite suppressant medications that contain stimulant ingredients. This is extremely helpful for patients who would like a supportive aid to their weight loss program but are unable to take any stimulant medications due to pre-existing conditions. Semaglutide’s weight loss results are only effective when combined with a diet and exercise program, weight loss is relatively unaffected when diet and exercise habits are not changed.

Are there any side effects from taking Semaglutide?

There are some potential side effects and limitations about who can take this GLP-1 receptor agonist. As with most types of peptides, the influence on hormone production can cause some patients to feel flushed, clammy, hot, and/or sweaty but these symptoms typically decrease as the body adjusts to the dose.

Most, if any, of the nausea, vomiting, constipation, and/or diarrhea typically occurs when the patient initially starts taking this peptide or when their dose is adjusted, but these symptoms typically subside once the body adjusts. 

If a patient does experience these, it is recommended to make the following dietary adjustments to reduce these symptoms:

The gastrointestinal symptoms may be the result of the slowed digestion rate of foods. The increase in the length of time food is digested means that food is broken down more than normal. As the gut flora (which is the healthy bacteria in the stomach and intestines that breaks down food) works on breaking down the food in the digestive tract, there are small amounts of gas that gets released.

So the slower the digestion rate, the longer gut flora breaks down food, thus increasing the amount of gas released into the digestive tract, resulting in bloating, burping, etc. To reduce these symptoms, it is best to avoid foods that are often linked to intestinal gas, such as:

In some cases, these gastrointestinal symptoms can cause Gastroenteritis, which is the inflammation of the intestines, and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, AKA chronic acid reflux. Both of these can be treated by drinking plenty of water daily, and medications if necessary.

Semaglutide does have a black box warning to ensure providers and patients are aware of the risk of developing cancerous thyroid tumors. In animal studies done before FDA approval in 2014, there were cases where rodents developed benign and malignant tumors on their thyroid glands that resulted in thyroid cancers, including Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma (MTC). It was not determined if this GLP-1 receptor agonist will cause these symptoms in humans but for safety precautions, patients with a personal or family history of thyroid tumors, MTC, or Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome, type 2 (MEN2) should not use Semaglutide or any other type of GLP-1 receptor agonist. 

How much weight can I lose?

In 2021 the STEP 1 study on Semaglutide for weight loss was published in The New England Journal of Medicine. This 68 week clinical trial involved 1,961 participants split into two groups, Semaglutide plus lifestyle intervention and placebo with lifestyle intervention only. The results of this study showed that the Semaglutide group lost an average of 14.9% from their starting weight, whereas the placebo group lost an average of 2.4% from their starting weight. Some of the participants in the Semaglutide group even lost upwards of 20% from their starting weight!

Semaglutide for weight loss results

We have seen huge success with Semaglutide in patients on our weight loss programs. We have had patients lose anywhere between 30lbs and 60lbs in 12-16 weeks with this medication. It’s important to note that although this medication played a role in these patients’ amazing weight loss results, it was not the sole reason for it.

These incredible weight loss results are proof of the commitment and hard work that these patients put into changing their lives. Just like any other weight loss medication, Semaglutide is used as an aid to a weight loss program, not as an alternative to healthy eating and exercise habits. Patients who commit to the lifestyle change are the ones losing the most weight on Semaglutide.

There is no definitive answer to the question of how much weight can be lost with Semaglutide. Everyone’s bodies are different and lose weight at different rates, individual amount of weight lost will depend on that person’s level of commitment to the program, but clinical research and our patients’ experiences are evidence of Semaglutide’s impressive ability to enhance weight loss results that could be otherwise unachievable with diet and exercise alone.

How do I get Semaglutide for weight loss?

Since Semaglutide for weight loss works best when added to an existing comprehensive weight loss program, Recharge Clinic is offering this medication in addition to one of our many weight loss programs. It is safe to use in combination with all of our vitamin injections, other appetite suppressants such as Phentermine, thyroid medications, and other weight loss supplements that we offer.

If you are interested in adding this safe, beneficial medication to your current weight loss program or if you’re interested in starting one of our programs and receiving this injection, be sure to ask your weight loss coach about it the next time you’re here or fill out and submit the form to the right to talk to someone about more information!

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Ketosis, Ketones, low carb: these terms are a staple in the weight loss industry. The concept of the Keto diet’s weight loss effect revolves around these three words in a pretty straightforward way:

But why? What do these terms mean and how do they affect weight loss?

Ketosis and Ketones: What are they?

Ketosis is defined as the metabolic state that occurs when the body burns fat to produce an alternative energy source that is useful to cells in place of ATP created from carbohydrates. This alternative energy source is called Ketones, which are capable of providing the same, if not better, fuel source to all cells in the body. Ketosis occurs when the body doesn’t have any carbohydrates to metabolize into ATP (energy molecules). 

Why does the body create Ketones?

The body has had millions of years to adapt and evolve, always improving its chances of survival. One of these evolutionary adaptations is how the body digests food and converts it to energy. When there was a time when a person’s next meal was never guaranteed, the body was always planning ahead. It would convert ingested carbohydrates and proteins into energy for use as an immediately available fuel source throughout the body. Fats take more time to convert so it is seen as a less preferable option compared to the other options.

Although fats take longer to convert to energy, the amount of energy produced by 1 gram of fat is almost twice the amount produced by 1 gram of carbohydrates or proteins. These two characteristics made fats the perfect backup fuel source to supply the body with energy when meals were scarce, so the body would store the fats it took in with a meal.

ketosis foods

This was great millions of years ago, but is often an inconvenience today. Foods are not only higher in carb and fat content, they are more consistently received, with the average person eating at least 3 meals per day. So the body is now storing even more fat, more often, resulting in excess stores of fat cells that never get burned off unless carbohydrates are intentionally avoided. 

So we’ve taken this survival tactic and turned it into one of the most successful weight loss diets available, the Keto Diet.

How do we get our bodies to burn fat through Ketosis?

In order to convince our bodies to begin metabolizing the stored fats through Ketosis, we have to basically trick it into believing carbohydrates are unavailable to create energy so it must dip into its emergency stores, fat cells. 

The lack of carbohydrates causes insulin levels to decline, allowing fat cells to break down into smaller molecules that are transported to the liver, where they are converted into Ketones and then distributed throughout the body as the fuel needed to perform essential functions.

To get the body to enter Ketosis and start burning fat, most people will need to eat a maximum of 50g of carbohydrates per day. Of course, the fewer grams ingested means the body will have to burn more fat at a faster rate.

So next time you’re meal prepping for the week and stop to think “how is this actually working?” Just remember Ketosis and what it’s doing for your body to help you achieve your weight loss goals! If you have any more questions about Ketosis and how it can help you make sure you fill out and submit the form to the right or schedule your free consultation here so you can talk to one of our certified weight loss coaches about Keto and other diet options available to help you lose weight!

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The Fountain of Youth has been the Anti-Aging holy grail of fiction for centuries, though the elusive spring remains the stuff of legends to this day. However, there is a big new player in the medical and anti-aging worlds that has been scientifically proven to support cognitive and physical wellness while also providing regenerative effects at the cellular level to improve overall health and reduce the rate of aging. 

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, NAD+ for short, is a coenzyme in the body that provides such a powerful effect on the health of all cells in the body, researchers have admirably nicknamed it the modern world’s Fountain of Youth.

What is NAD+?

NAD+ is an organic molecule produced by the body called a coenzyme. It is one of the most essential substances needed by every cell in the body because it’s responsible for providing fuel, in the form of usable energy, to the main power source of all cells, the Mitochondria. Without the required amount of energy, the Mitochondria is unable to maintain the cell’s health and ability to perform its intended functions. 

Without enough NAD+, the Mitochondria is also unable to repair any damaged DNA within it, which can contribute to genetic mutations, death of the cell, and the development of genetic diseases and cancers.

Why is it so important?

This coenzyme is essentially responsible for maintaining the optimal health and functioning of every single tissue structure and organ system that make up the body, at their most basic level: the trillions of cells they are composed of. 


The Anti-Aging benefits of NAD+ that prompted the nickname The Fountain of Youth

anti-aging NAD+

Factors that reduce NAD+ levels in the body

Our bodies produce NAD+ naturally by synthesizing Niacin (vitamin B3) precursors to form the crucial coenzyme. As with most substances produced by the body, NAD+ production can be negatively impacted by various internal and external factors.

Signs and symptoms that can indicate low NAD+ levels in your body

Increasing NAD+ levels: Ways to tap into this Fountain of Youth

You can make certain lifestyle adjustments that will reduce the negative effects of some of the factors we discussed earlier. 

For example: change your diet and focus on eating natural whole foods that are free of preservatives and dyes will increase your Niacin intake. Increase the amount of physical activity and exercise you get each day, a simple walk multiple times a week can be enough for some people. Limit your sun exposure and maintain a consistent sleep schedule with a minimum of 7 full hours a night.

These lifestyle modifications can be helpful but can take time to improve on the body’s natural NAD+ production and often aren’t able to produce a significant improvement since the body is still being affected by other uncontrollable factors. 

The best way to increase NAD+ in the body and slow down the clock on aging is by supplementing with an oral supplement, subcutaneous injection, or IV therapy. These forms are not only the fastest ways of increasing levels, but they also provide a substantially larger amount of ready-to-use NAD+ so the body can utilize it quickly. These supplementary forms provide the fastest and most impressive results. 

How do I figure out the best choice for me?

The best way to figure out which form and how much of it is best for you is by talking to one of our experienced professionals about your current symptoms and health goals. We will help you navigate the world of NAD+ and Anti-Aging and help you decide whether or not you need NAD+, and if so, how much you need. Fill out and submit the form to the right to learn more about this effective and accessible Fountain of Youth, or schedule your free consultation here to start your Anti-Aging journey.

Author: Bailey B. ⏐ Feb. 2, 2024

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Everyone always seems to get a little uneasy at the mention of using steroid injections for muscle building but I think it’s time to crush the stigma and discuss all the amazing benefits the Anabolic Androgenic Steroid (AAS) Nandrolone Decanoate have to offer! Nandrolone Decanoate, commonly referred to as “Deca” or “Decca”, is an AAS derivative of the hormone Testosterone that can positively influence many different tissue structures in the body.

Benefits of Deca

Deca has many different benefits on the body, making it an effective treatment option for a large variety of medical conditions and physical health goals. Benefits include:

What is Deca used for?

It has many different therapeutic uses thanks to its regenerative and anti-inflammatory effects.

  1. It stimulates an increase in red blood cell production and is used to treat some forms of anemia.
  2. Increases bone density by inhibiting bone reabsorption and stimulating bone formation, making it an effective treatment against Osteoporosis, especially in elderly women.
  3. Increases the growth rate of soft tissue structures like muscles, tendons, and ligaments. These cellular regenerative effects have made Deca an effective therapy against the musculoskeletal damage caused by various metabolic diseases.
  4. Increases Oxygen and Nitrogen levels within muscle tissues for enhanced physical endurance and strength. Combined with its substantial muscle growth benefits, Deca is a very effective steroid for increasing muscle mass and physical fitness.
  5. It can be an effective treatment for joint pain and inflammation because it inhibits the immune system’s production and secretion of inflammatory cytokines that would normally gather in joints and create an inflammatory response.
  6. Increases Collagen synthesis in joints and surrounding tendons/ligaments for stronger, healthier joints to further decrease inflammation and pain.

How Does Deca Improve Muscle Building?

If increasing muscle mass and strength is the goal, this anabolic steroid is an excellent option! Muscle growth occurs when the body’s natural healing mechanism repairs the damage and tearing of myofibrils (muscle fibers) after intense muscle exertion or high intensity exercise. When muscles are pushed to their limit and forced to contract for extended periods of time or against excessive weight, the bundled strands of muscle fibers begin to tear, similar to the way the strands of a rope will begin to break and tear when they reach their resistance limit.

When these myofibrils are damaged and torn, the body repairs and replaces them with new fibers that are thicker and bundled into larger groups, which results in larger and stronger muscles. Deca binds with cytosolic receptors within the torn muscle fibers and increases the number of new tissue cells produced to repair the damaged areas, exponentially speeding up the rate of muscle growth.

Muscle building and growth diagram

It also increases the number of red blood cells in order to carry more oxygen and nitrogen to myofibrils to boost their rate of regeneration. So not only do muscle tissues heal stronger, they also heal much faster so you don’t experience that annoying soreness for as long!

It is important to note that the visible results may take longer to notice than other popular anabolic steroids but the results are much easier to maintain after stopping its use so there isn’t any major mass fluctuation that is commonly experienced with other anabolic steroids.

How Do I Get Started?

Deca is available to be prescribed by one of our medical providers and monitored regularly to ensure effective treatment. The dose and frequency of use will vary depending on the intended use for prescribing it. Patients looking to add Deca to their current hormone replacement therapy for a boost in building muscle mass will typically administer this steroid injection once per week for 12 weeks and then take a 4 week break to allow the body a period of rest between growth phases.

Speaking to one of our clinical staff members is a great way to get the ball rolling towards those lean muscle gains and reducing that irritating joint pain. Schedule your free consultation here or fill out and submit the form to the right to learn more and get started today!

A Trigger Point Injection is a low risk pain management treatment used to reduce pain and promote healing of muscle tension and joint conditions. These injections are a mixture of Lidocaine and a corticosteroid that is injected directly into the site of pain to provide immediate pain relief and reduce inflammation, allowing the body to return to normal function. Unlike other anti-inflammatory treatments, like NSAIDs including Advil and Aleve, these injections treat the targeted source of pain and inflammation to stop it in its tracks and allow the body a chance to repair the damaged tissues.

What is a Trigger Point?

Trigger points are focal points in muscles that are prone to irritability and chronic tension when a muscle contracts. These focal points, also called “knots”, become activated in response to:

trigger point

Trigger points can occur in different muscles throughout the body, and are accompanied by their own characteristic symptoms, including:

What is an autonomic phenomena?

The part of the nervous system that is responsible for involuntary bodily functions or responses is known as the Autonomic system. This system controls basic survival functions like breathing, digesting food, changing heart rate and blood pressure, and reactive responses. The “Flight or Fight” response is an autonomic reflex. For example, when a person unknowingly touches something extremely hot or cold, before the brain gets a chance to process the touch sensation as pain, an autonomic reflex response occurs and the person pulls their hand away.

When a trigger point in a muscle becomes activated, it can trigger autonomic responses that aren’t necessary, which is why they are called phenomena. Blood vessels in the area can constrict, blocking the flow of nutrient-rich blood through the area, muscle fibers at the base of hair follicles can contract, causing goosebumps of the skin to appear, and glands in the area can be overactivated and release excess amounts of inflammation-causing chemicals known as pro-inflammatory cytokines. 

One of the more common spots where trigger points are prone to becoming activated and causing pain is in the neck and shoulders. Those pesky “knots” that a lot of people experience in these areas can be quite painful and irritating and when left untreated for extended periods of time, can have some serious side effects. The tension and inflammation of the knot cause pain and the autonomic phenomena of vasoconstriction can impact blood supply to and from the brain. This can cause:

Over time, the lack of oxygen and nutrient-rich blood supply to brain cells can result in cell death, which negatively affects the brain’s ability to perform normal functions. Symptoms relating to these cell deaths can include:

So how do the injections treat the muscle "knot"?

When the Trigger Point Injection is administered directly into the muscle knot, the lidocaine immediately numbs the area to provide instant pain relief. The action of the needle penetrating the cramped stimulates the muscle fibers to relax, relieving the tension, the lidocaine numbs the area for instant pain relief, and the Kenalong works over the next few weeks to reduce the release of inflammatory cytokines in the area. This reduction in inflammation allows the body to bring growth factors and proteins to the area to repair the damaged cells in the tissues to begin the natural healing process.

Activated muscle trigger points are something that people tend to ignore or use manual release therapies, such as massages to treat them, but often that may not be enough to achieve complete relief. If you find yourself relating to this, you should look into receiving Trigger Point Injections to experience the complete relief you seek. 

How do Trigger Point Injections work for joint pain?

These injections aren’t solely used to treat muscle pain and knots! Trigger Point Injections are corticosteroid injections, which have been used to treat joint pain for decades. The function of corticosteroids is to reduce inflammation by blocking the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, molecules that produce inflammation of tissues. 

When injected into an inflamed joint, these injections provide immediate pain relief and work to reduce the inflammation in the area. When inflammation is reduced, the body’s natural healing function is able to begin repairing and replacing damaged cells, ultimately working towards healing the tissue, in this case the joint, to return to normal and healthy function. There are many different reasons for a joint to become inflamed and painful, but regardless of the cause, these injections aid in reducing pain and inflammation and give the body a chance to heal itself naturally.

Some common joint problems that can be treated with Trigger Point Injections include:

On average, these injections provide relief for 1-3 months at a time. That’s 1-3 months of living without the debilitating pain caused by muscle “knots” or joint inflammation, all while your body works to repair the damage caused by these conditions. Trigger Point Injections are helping patients return to their normal daily activities and supporting their body’s natural healing abilities.

Created by: Bailey

47 SW 17th Street, Suite A
Ocala, Florida 34471

Monday - Wednesday: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Thursday: 8:30am - 6:30pm
Friday: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday: 7:45am - 1pm

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4419 NW Blitchton Rd
Ocala, Florida 34482

Monday - Thursday : 8:30am - 5:30pm
Friday: 8:30am - 5:30pm

Walk-ins are welcome at this location.

809 Co Rd 466, Suite 303
Lady Lake, FL 32159

Monday - Friday: 8:30am-5:30pm

Walk-ins are welcome at this location.

47 SW 17th Street, Suite B
Ocala, Florida 34471

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 8am-6pm

Thursday 8am-7pm

Saturday 8am-2pm

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